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4。 从一个frame跳转到另一个frame,没法实现
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jite 写道
4。 从一个frame跳转到另一个frame,没法实现

请具体说明一下什么情况 .
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xiaoyu 写道
js+xml的那种说复杂又不算复杂,但是又是很复杂的东西(要做得好蛮难,如果了解得不是很清楚--例如这个方法是否夸浏览器等,可能会出其它的错都不知道,更可恶的客户端的开发太大,安全性是否有保证),我觉得很难站得住脚,除非你公司本来就有一 套这种解决方案(把一些api都开发好了),其实现在我都会用js+xml解一些显示问题,不过都不敢做得太复杂,其实也是本人的水平太低了。

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I think the taglib will integrate IDE easily.

Though the TLD file, we can know the attributes of the taglib, and we can design the ide even code-generator for struts or other framework u own..

So, don't think the taglibs of struts are troubles, i think the taglibs are one of the special and powerful features of struts !

There are lots of MVC frameworks in java world, and u can choice any one for u business logic , no one is the best i think , try to enhance it with ur technologies, because they are opensource !
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Maybe you are right.But I feel trouble when I use taglib.
I think the style using taglib isn't comforting. And the Tapestry make me excited! Because it is a framework based component and you can master it so quickly.
jini 写道
I think the taglib will integrate IDE easily.

Though the TLD file, we can know the attributes of the taglib, and we can design the ide even code-generator for struts or other framework u own..

So, don't think the taglibs of struts are troubles, i think the taglibs are one of the special and powerful features of struts !

There are lots of MVC frameworks in java world, and u can choice any one for u business logic , no one is the best i think , try to enhance it with ur technologies, because they are opensource !
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perhaps 写道
Maybe you are right.But I feel trouble when I use taglib.
I think the style using taglib isn't comforting. And the Tapestry make me excited! Because it is a framework based component and you can master it so quickly.
jini 写道
I think the taglib will integrate IDE easily.

Though the TLD file, we can know the attributes of the taglib, and we can design the ide even code-generator for struts or other framework u own..

So, don't think the taglibs of struts are troubles, i think the taglibs are one of the special and powerful features of struts !

There are lots of MVC frameworks in java world, and u can choice any one for u business logic , no one is the best i think , try to enhance it with ur technologies, because they are opensource !

Yap, i believe that using tapestry for mvc framework is another better solution in java webapp, because it only uses the HTML without the scriptlets and taglibs.

The most difference between struts and tapestry is the view controling , in CGI period, we use the tapestry-like c++ framework, however, i chose the struts now ! We make lots of base component for struts, yap, if u want, u can do it for tapestry, too !
To discuss the better or worse points in struts is not important, just to make the applications / projects ^^~
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perhaps 写道

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如果页面美工的时候不受到影响 ,taglib功能确实很强大。
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ozzzzzz 写道
忽然想到一个相关的问题,为什么现在没有人设想把xsl文件下载到本地的方法呢?这样是不是也是一种Rich Client呢?既然activeX可以java也可以,为什么呢?没有试过,空想而已。

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